News, exhibitions & BLOG 2019
Created on
December 6, 2019
Greyfriars Kirk Commission
Greyfriars Kirk Commission
Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh next year celebrates 400 years since its founding. Midge has been asked to design and make two embroidered table covers as part of the commemoration.
Created on
October 11, 2019
Shibori Workshop
Shibori Workshop
The Pier House Hotel, Port Appin, is hosting a workshop on Shibori silk scarves on 5th.November 2019 run by Midge. The morning course starts at 10am in the Pier House with an introduction by Midge followed by practical tuition on the making of scarves and ending with dyeing of scarves at the studio. Everyone will take away a completed silk scarf of their own design.
Created on
April 14, 2019
CONNECTING THREADS An exhibition by 7 artists living and working in Argyll 26APRIL-26MAY2019 IN DUNOON BURGH HALL